Mel Zelaya is coming, who is afraid of Zelaya?

Mel Zelaya did a lousy administration, but gained international notoriety for being the victim of an alleged coup d’Etat. That is enough to attract a group of followers who hope to receive him as a messiah on Saturday, May 28 in Honduras, while Hondurans that do not sympathize with Zelaya see with displeasure his coming. How can a person that has done so much damage to his country be received with great fanfare?

Mel’s followers may say the “coupsters” are the ones that damaged the country. They forget, conveniently, all the mistakes of Zelaya, and the constant challenges to the Honduran institutions.

It is feared that Zelaya’s reception may become violent. The scenes of vandalism starred by Zelayistas amid the political crisis of 2009 are still fresh in the mind.

But Zelaya is no longer president and he doesn’t pretend to be. The Cartagena Agreement implies a recognition of the legitimacy of the State of Honduras. Zelaya can no longer pretend to storm the presidential palace with a mob carrying him on shoulders. Mel Zelaya has no superpowers to punish the “coupsters”.

But still, people are afraid of Zelaya.

In my opinion, it is good that Mel is coming to Honduras. There is nothing to fear. With his coming the drama of the “coup d’Etat” will lose its hype. A cycle ends, and the myth of the political persecution of Zelaya collapses.

This is what many countries have called for: the return of Mel Zelaya, and now they have it, there are no more excuses to discriminate against Honduras and to continue the attempts to intervene in its internal affairs.

Former President Zelaya will cause some turmoil with his coming, at first, but then he will no longer be a novelty, but will always keep some leadership among his unconditional followers.