The alleged racism of Enrique Ortez Colindres

We Hondurans know so well that there is a vast disinformation campaign against this interim government, because we moved to the center of the Chavista ideological struggle field.

And part of that campaign is to slander those linked to this government. And character assassination is frequently used in order to make people look as despicable monsters deserving to be trampled.

Chavista Leftists have no manners: They insult, lie and denigrate with no qualms.

It has been said that in Honduras there is a repressive military regime, that there are many dead, wounded and desaparecidos. These are lies.

One recent victim of character assassination is Mr. Enrique Ortez Colindres, who was Foreign Minister for a few days and then had to resign, under pressure from the American Embassy.

American Ambassador in Honduras, Hugo Llorens, released a communiqué in which he said he felt “deeply outraged” by the alleged racist statements from Ortez Colindres. Ortez Colindres said in the television show “Frente a Frente” of Televicentro Network that Obama was “a Negrito who did not know where Tegucigalpa [Honduras’ capital city] was”.

Llorens interpreted the word Negrito as a racist and derogatory term.

(Negrito means in Spanish “black boy”, with different connotations).

We Hondurans are not obsessed with racial issues and political correctness the way Americans are. The word “Negrito” is not necessarily racist. Therefore there was no reason to feel “deeply outraged”. These statements were given before Ortez was sworn as Foreign Minister.

However, one might object that having said that Obama “does not know where Tegucigalpa is” is demeaning, because it is like saying that Obama is an ignorant fool.

But it is not. It is a fact that many Americans do not know where Honduras is, and can not locate it on the map. And this happens to Americans of all colors, it is not a racial issue.

What Ortez Colindres meant is that we Hondurans can not expect America to solve all our problems, and we must take our responsibility to save our motherland. This is certainly a message that many people from the Left can identify with.

I do not know if Hugo Llorens sympathizes with Chavismo. I hope not, but his interpretation of the comments from Ortez Colindres has served to Ortez’s unfair denigration, and to denigrate this interim government, which is not a de facto government, or military government, as is maliciously repeated.

Enrique Ortez Colindres is a career diplomat who studied in France. He is around eighty years old, but is full of energy and good humor, with all the intention of serving his country. Ortez Colindres was an adviser to the former president Manuel Zelaya, of which he is relative. He was the first to denounce his plans for continuism.

9 thoughts on “The alleged racism of Enrique Ortez Colindres

  1. Anonymous

    My first reaction was OH NO! HE DROPPED THE N-BOMB
    my second reaction was, what does the word mean in spanish. Clearly an overreaction on the part of the U.S. politically correct crowd with no clear understanding of the Spanish Language or Culture. Would some like to go to Sambo Creek and explain to that population where that communities name derives from. But you know according to the U. S. Pollitically Correct crowd, the Atlanta Braves and the K.C. Cheifs are rascist organinzations. As well as the Cleveland Indians and dare I say it, oh I must, the Washington Redskins.

  2. Anonymous

    Is Obama not black??? Does he not call himself black? I don't understand why the hell someone can't call him black now? Negro comunista asqueroso.

  3. Anonymous

    97% of blacks and a bunch of stupid leftist whites voted for Obama because of his skin color. Are they racists if they admit they voted for him because he is black. Why is it wrong to point out his skin pigmentation now?

  4. Jose

    Today I reluctantly decided to see news on CNN again. I have dropped the channel because it was the same as watching “telesur” aka Chavez Channel, or “TeleCuba” aka Castro Channel (not educative, not objective news, rest of the programs are so-so). Last time in telesur they said there was a blood bath in Honduras. Well, I live in the capital, Tegucigalpa, and aside from manifestations (in favor and against) twice a week we have not seen these blood rivers. Where are these blood baths they speak of? Zelaya (ex president of Honduras) said yesterday that there were children killed on the streets… wow talking about hype. Someone (like the CNN reporters still in Honduras) should say something. I can. I am telling you, there is no “guerrilla” no “paramilitares” not jet. The guerrilla is the one that Chavez is creating in Nicaragua, the one that is threatening Honduras with an invasion to set Zelaya back in office. IF Zelaya keep trying to get back in power by force then there could be a blood bath. Chavez is providing the weapons and Nicaragua the “guerrileros” (second product of exportation for Nicaragua, after coffee beans).

  5. Jose

    COFADEH has published a paper on violations to human rights. I urge people to read about the source of this information . COFADEH was bought by Zelaya, you want to read the article? it is in Spanish and was published in January (before the “coup”). Use any web translator you trust.
    I transcribe the beginning of the article:
    The resolution of the millionaire compensation to benefit Milton Jiménez Puerto, close collaborator of President Manuel Zelaya, has caused unrest in various sectors, especially among relatives of missing persons in the 80`s that have brought the action as exclusionary and unfair.
    This resolution is governed by Executive Decree PCM-028-2008 which was created with the plot to compensate families of missing persons and illegal detention of the Cold War totaling 184 cases, but in reality only two benefits: the Milton Jimenez Puerto , former Foreign Minister and now president of the National Banking and Insurance and Bertha Oliva, coordinator of the Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras, COFADEH.

  6. Lamar

    While I believe the ouster of Mel Zelaya totally justified, I disagree with your view of these comments. Yes, the U.S. is especially sensitive to racial remarks due to a horrific past. However, it does not give someone from another country the right to just disregard that view. You stated the term means "black boy" but I have also heard it referred to as "little black". I would personally take offense to either one. Also, to Anonymous. Yes Obama is black (actually bi-racial) but that's not the point. The point is most of us are not blind and can clearly see the color of someone's skin. However, why did we not see references made to George Bush being white? If you disagree with Obama's policies (and I do in this case) it is totally irrelevant to point out his ethnicity unless you're trying to be racist. A politician is a politician regardless of race. For what it's worth, here is one American who not only knows where Tegucigalpa is but many more beautiful Honduran sites. This is the fault of Zelaya and Hugo Chavez. For the sake of the people, I sincerely hope this situation remains peaceful and the Chavez dictatorship is kept out of Honduras.

  7. Ardegas

    You stated the term means "black boy" but I have also heard it referred to as "little black". I would personally take offense to either one.

    "Little black" is too literal. Negrito is a diminutive for negro (black), and the termination ito can indicate indicate size or age, but not necessarily. It can have an affectionate connotation. The opposite of "negrito", for example, is "blanquito" (little white), but it doesn't have to be about size or age. I would'nt mind if someone calls me "blanquito", if they say it with an affectionate connotation. It's like diminutives in names: "Ann", becomes "Annie"; "Charles", Charlie, etc. They don't have a pejorative connotation.

  8. Cotton

    So, Negrito isnt racist because you, a white guy who supports the guy who said it, doesnt think so? Despite the fact that the people called 'negrito's do feel that its racist?

    Well, I suppose the K-word isnt antisemetic, because nazi germans and PLO members probably used it regularly.

    Gimme a break. Your logic Fails itself. LOL, your own replies in this thread show racism, and you try to claim thats not the case? Are you freaking kidding me?

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